4 Grid Styles to Choose From
Order with or without the educational graphics!
The best posture grid just got better.
Take this posture grid anywhere. To the mall, health club, outside events or as a mobile grid in your office. The 34" x 79" graphic is printed on special lightweight vinyl. Sets up in about 30 seconds. Just pull up the graphic and attach to the support rod.
The regular version of the grid is comprised of seven major horizontal lines and three vertical lines that hold one inch squares. This grid was specially designed to provide rapid visual clues of the person's posture. At the center of the grid is a highly detailed representation of a perfect lateral posture. Around that image are sprinkled other important posture education images concerning backpack safety, pregnancy and posture, head weight changes in poor posture, and abnormal AP posture. The text explaining these images is hidden in the large dots closest to the image.
These special images turn our new posture grid into a great educational device showing the importance of posture to overall health and performance. You can also order this new grid without the extra graphics, or the stand.
This grid is great as a stand-alone posture education tool. It's also fantastic to use with our Posture Pro software and it's self-correcting auto-tilt mode.
Grid with all the educational graphics